We are ready to go – to accomplish our 90 Day Challenge. We chose our challenge. We wrote an affirmation. We’ve had 10 days to get used to the idea, so game on.
Remember, the affirmation is a one line statement, written in the present tense of where you will be, what you will have accomplished by September 21, 2016. For example, I AM FIT.
Next we will write a goal for our “90 Day Challenge”.
I’m suggesting a different method of goal setting, which I learned from Steve Pavlina, a successful personal development advocate. In the past, I used the SMART method of goal setting but now prefer Pavlina’s method.
Traditionally we think of a goal as an achievement made in the future, but the main purpose of our goal is to improve the quality of our present. We can’t guarantee the future but we can control what we are doing now – each and every day. So if I want to be FIT, then every day I keep my body moving, building my strength and stamina.
The purpose of our goal is to gain clarity and focus and to keep motivated right now. We will change our attitude about engaging in our activity.
By focusing on the NOW, we will also learn skills which we can repeat in future challenges and goals.
Some benefits of setting goals are:
To Learn about ourselves or a new skill
To create a life style
To gain Inner Strength
To become persistent
To gain self-confidence
To develop self-belief
To become a leader
To accomplish our big challenge
Using present tense language, write down your goal. For example:
My goal is to read 20 minutes each night before falling asleep.
My goal is to volunteer in a new organization, learning a new skill set.
My goal is to lose 10 pounds.
My goal is to have an organized garage, closet, or……
Write your goal in your journal, on a device, index card or calendar – keep it somewhere that is always visible and where you will look at it every day.
Some life style changes, can best be achieved by adopting or eliminating a habit. A behavior we perform on a regular, consistent basis. By taking steps every day to achieve our goal.
My next post is on adopting a new habit.