Check out this image. I didn’t know there were so many things I could fear.
Our fears do not develop overnight. We’ve had a lifetime of experiences and actions which may have created them.
The good news is that overcoming a fear is a skill which can be learned at any time. The challenge is to decide if NOW is the time you are ready to face one of them.
Here are five beginner steps to use. I say beginner steps because change is a process. These five steps are a quick and easy method. A technique you could use for a “smaller fear” to have an experience and then a positive outcome. You may need additional information or to seek specific help to guide you.
-1- Become aware – Recognize the control that your fears are creating in your life.
-2- Identify exactly WHAT you are afraid of. Using your journal – use the two column method for this exercise. Column one – what is the best outcome and the benefits I can have if I try this activity? Column two – what is the worst that can happen if I give it a go? Choose one fear per page.
-3- Understand that fears are just fears. They are created by our imagination. Perhaps because of an actual prior experience which didn’t go well.
-4- Take action – Decide that you are ready to overcome one fear. Take action and do this scary thing.
(If you watch any of the TV weight loss reality shows, the trainers demonstrate how HARD and yet possible it is to dig deep, be honest with ourselves, accept responsibility for our actions and use our strength and new found courage to overcome our biggest obstacles. With fall coming I’m sure one of these programs will be on. You could watch one and follow along for inspiration.)
-5- Review – How good or bad did you do? Return to your journal and compare your outcome with your two columns of the best and worst outcomes. Then add this additional information. What did I learn? What can I do to improve? What should I change in the future?
Get going. Time is a wasting.