Two more weeks until we have completed a full year of setting goals, adopting new habits, creating more positive thinking, overcoming obstacles and especially making our dreams come true.
This week, let’s review our progress.
I know I did not succeed in achieving all of my goals, but there is one I am most proud of.
My background is in finance and math. For me to commit to a writing program was a Hugh challenge.
For months, I struggled with writing this blog every week. But I am proud to say, that of the 52 weeks, I wrote for 49 of them.
That is a big WOW. I am happy. I feel like a more confident writer and gained so much personal knowledge as I read and studied about how to CHANGE. Because this is what it takes to achieve new goals and dreams.
This week’s process works best with your journal. Go back through your notes. What did you try? What worked? What did not? What did you learn? What can you improve?
What lessons will you keep working on? What goal did not give you the result you were looking for?
Don’t worry if you do not give yourself high marks? Change is a life long journey. Even when we achieve our dreams, it is time to commit to new ones.
Make this exercise count. It is the basis for future.