WOW my weight was down to 117.4. Yep, back in early May I reached this milestone. But alas, it didn’t last!
I had just returned from a week on Florida, sick as a dog. Caught the flu / summer cold that circulated among the family. It took weeks to recover and by the end, I had lost 8.4 lbs. down from my all time high of 125.8.
But then…… (sorry I can’t find the photo) I was shocked just two weeks ago to see that I reached my “New” all time high – the scale read 127.4. What the H…., up 10 lbs. Yikes. I’m sure it’s muscle build up from my fitness regime. If only.
I couldn’t be surprised. It was my birthday week and I had an unusually high number of outings lasting over 3 weeks. I was out 16 of 21 days. Lunches, dinners, drinks.
So what else could I do but get to work on my diet. I pulled out my copy of the “10 Day Detox” by Dr. Mark Hyman and got to work. Being realistic, I knew I wasn’t ready to commit to full program but instead adjusted my food consumption to his suggestions. You know the usual – no sugar, dairy, alcohol, corn, beans, bread, pasta or ……..
So what is left is protein, veggies, nuts and seeds! So one week later, I am down three pounds, while still enjoying two “days off” when I was out with friends.
I recently heard that weight loss and maintenance is 80% diet and 20% exercise. Not exactly sure about the ration. But I do believe “We are What we Eat.” So in addition to my fitbit counting, this month’s focus will be what I eat and drink.
I’ll see how it goes.