We live in a society that desires immediate results. Why not, so much information is available with a click of a button. We can get directions, questions answered, recipes, photos, stories, videos and so much more.
But immediate results do not take the place of the hard work, dedication, commitment and the effort that is required to attain real lasting success and achieve long range goals.
As we review the great dream we have written down this past month, we may discover there are short and long-term dreams. The action required to make either of them come true is different.
I learned a valuable tool from my mentor, Raymond Aaron, I want to share this week. It is a way to take action right now, which
fulfills a big, long-range dream.
It is called – Instant Gratification – Have it Now.
With this technique you have your long term dream but in an abbreviated version. While doing these activities you may also be are creating a successful habit.
For example – you want to live abroad for awhile 3, 6, or 12 months. During each month until you actually move to your desired location, you choose an activity to do which fulfills your dream now.

I am overlooking a vineyard in the Loire Valley in France.
Some sample activities are: cook a national meal, learn the foreign language, see a foreign film, visit a museum. In these activities, you area able to enjoy things about this foreign land while at home.
For the complete worksheet on using this technique, sign up for the newsletter and request the downloadable version of “Instant Gratification – having it now”.
Good luck – keep dreaming.