Our beliefs and past experiences have shaped who we are and what we do in the world.
Some of beliefs are limiting or simply not true for us any longer. Yet we may still cling to them, acting on them, and hoping for a different outcome in the end.
Our past experiences created results, which may not always be what we desired.
In either case, we may have encountered failures from our beliefs and actions.
Past failures are not an indication of what successes we can achieve now. Let’s look at our failures as learning experiences.
We know there are lessons to be learned from failures and until we learn them we will continue to repeat the actions over and over again with the same result. Only when we get the lesson can we achieve a different outcome.
We all have experiences we keep repeating in relationship, our spending habits, our health choices.
Try this exercise to learn a new lesson from a failure:
Step 1 – write down specifically what was your goal
Step 2 – list the action steps you took to achieve the goal
Step 3 – list the actions steps which were successful
–what did you learn from them
Step 4 – list the actions steps which were not successful
Step 5 – list why these actions did not help you reach success
Step 5 – brainstorm – write down several alternative actions you could try next time.