Break out of the chain holding you back.
If you are really committed to meeting your challenge, you must become “selfish.” Yep, this is one time when it’s okay to put “me” first. And I don’t mean selfish in a take-take-take or needy-needy way. But by taking the time and focus needed to reach your goal and allowing your family and team to do the same.
Life is busy – full of to-do lists, chores, endless emails, social media surfing, not to mention maintaining real time relationships and oh yes, FUN and relaxation.
We have expectations and demands from ourselves, bosses, customers, clients, suppliers, friends and loved ones.
No wonder we go to bed exhausted, sleep fitfully and wake up tired.
We often jump from one task to the next. We stop what we are doing one moment and give our attention to this new thing.
(As a personal opinion – this is why the cell phones are so distracting. Does your phone ping every time you get an incoming message? And then do you stop whatever you are doing and react?)
Following up on the recent post – Adopt a Good Habit – a key element for achieving success is to make your action a priority each and every day.
-1- Your habit should be a regular and consistent. Complete your new action the same time, same place every day. Write it in your calendar and do it. Remember, No Excuses. If you miss a day, it’s okay just begin again.
-2- Take small action steps. Break a big goal into manageable bites. You’d be surprised how much you can accomplish in 10 – 30 minutes a day.
-3- Plan Ahead. If your action requires tools, books, tapes, trash bags, boxes, or your work out clothes, have them ready to use before the scheduled task time. Don’t waste time “Getting Ready”, then run out of time to do the activity.
And don’t forget to tackle your task with joy and enthusiasm. We can improve the quality of our lives right now.
Read your affirmations and goals every day to remind yourself why you are committed to change.
Good luck. Let me know how you are doing.