Where does the time go? I lasted posted in January 2012. YIKES.
But I am back to “Our Common Journey.”
As a reminder – Who are we?
Our – boomers over age 60 planning and living their dreams for the next 20 to 40 years, no guarantees.
Common – we all experience success and face obstacles. It is what we do in these situations that make the most difference. Let’s learn together.
Journey – life is a journey. Many times lived on a treadmill, going about our daily routines, rarely venturing off into the unknown. Watching as time goes by, our dreams and vision collecting dust in the buried subconscious of the mind. I have made some progress in propelling me life forward over the last year but I have set a new course now to really step out of my comfort zone and make my dreams come true.
I set these three goals for 2013:
– to DATE
– to lose 3 inches on my waist
– to build a TEAM
This is my journey, come along, give me support, encouragement, and strength to live, to do and to accomplish my goals.
In return I will be honored to inspire, empower, and educate you to live your dreams as well.