I had planned a driving trip to Southern California for many months, beginning with two visits in Palm Desert and Palm Springs. The time to travel had arrived. Just a week before departure, my friend, Dennis, called to say the forcasted temperature is 115 Degrees. Oh no!
Then two days before leaving, my friend, Johnny, called to say that a raging forest fire was approaching his home in Pioneertown, just above Joshua Tree National Park.
I thought I could handle the weather but smoke and ash were another story. But just like my website suggests challenges are good.
So I proceeded to load (overload, actually) the car and head south at 9:06 AM Saturday morning past. I could only chuckle when the first song playing on the radio was “I must be crazy.”
Three days later the heat is not unbearable and later today I will experience the fire conditions as we drive to visit Johnny’s home.
I am so glad I didn’t waste time worrying about all of the what if’s that could have happened. I trusted that all would be well.